Mandarin & Cantonese Interpreters & Translators for Medical, Legal & Business Communication!

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Certified Chinese Court Interpreters & Translators in Melbourne   arrow

We have established long-term relationships with over 20 law firms in Melbourne CBD and the northern suburbs. We are able work with both sides as an impartial third party effectively. As a result, in recent years, we have been jointly appointed as the interpreter for both parties in quite a few cases. We know when to quack a few jokes to ease the tension, and when to be damn serious.

In addition, Ian Robertson Legal is just located below our office. We can pick their minds if we have doubts about our understanding of certain legal concepts. We also have an ex-Chinese lawyer Thomas ZHANG in our legal translation team, who is currently doing his law degree in Melbourne. This means we can tap into legal advice from China to assist judges here to make informed decisions about evidentiary documents from China. 

One-Stop Translation Service

We can assist you with all of your translation and interpreting needs, from the initial taking  of instructions, preparing statements, translation of evidentiary documents, transcription of audio materials, all the way to attending court to interpret for your client or give evidence on our translation. Our court interpreters are familiar with court processes and legal concepts. We have experience in criminal, family and commercial law. 

Basically, with our service, you don’t need to have a Chinese speaking solicitor in your team to service your Chinese client. You just need to be good at law. 

Multilingual Capacity

Many of our interpreters have multilingual capacities. This means we have been exposed to more cases, than say a Mandarin interpreter who does not speak other Chinese dialects. We are also seeing a trend of the audio and written communication between Chinese litigants or suspects moving towards more than one Chinese language/dialect. This will mean that you would only need to brief one interpreter and prepare one set of interpreter affidavit instead of two. 

Services we offer include:

Translation: [translation process]

  • Translation of Evidentiary Documents from Chinese to English and from English to Chinese 
  • Translation of Contracts from Chinese to English and from English to Chinese
  • Email & Wechat Translation
  • Translation of Chinese Court Rulings or Legal Advice
  • Translation of Autopsy and Toxicology Reports


Onsite Interpreting: [Simultaneous or Consecutive Interpreting]

  • Onsite Interpreting in Mandarin and Cantonese and other Dialects in Solicitor and Barrister Meetings
  • Onsite Interpreting in Mandarin and Cantonese and other Dialects in Mediation
  • Attend Court to Interpret for Witnesses and Clients
  • Attend Court as an Expert Witness for Our Translation

Phone Interpreting

Zoom Interpreting

Translating and Transcribing Evidentiary Materials







Read about Our Legal Interpreting & Translation Work