Mandarin & Cantonese Interpreters & Translators for Medical, Legal & Business Communication!

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Conference and Mediation   arrow

We provide onsite and remote interpreting in Mandarin, Cantonese and other Chinese dialects. 

  • case conference with solicitors and barristers
  • affidavit interpreting
  • will and estate instructions
  • mediation
  • medical and psychological assessments
  • family law child inclusive conference
  • discussing with translators for the other party (hot-tubbing)

We are good note takers who work invisibly as a fly on the wall. We can switch agilely between Concurrent and Consecutive Interpreting to suit your need, without interrupting you. You will notice our work done when you hear the questions your client has asked, or see the smiles of comprehension on their face.

We are bound by confidentiality and our role is to facilitate communication and understanding. We remain independent even though we are engaged by you, as we are no slave of you, but slave of accuracy. However, as a member of your team, we will bring things to your attention if we have come across issues that may not be visible to you due to the cultural or langistic barrier.