Mandarin & Cantonese Interpreters & Translators for Medical, Legal & Business Communication!

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New Migrant Settlement Orientation Service   arrow

We can practice English with your child and take your family to their school appointments.

Are you a busy executive working hard to climb the corporate ladder and provide for your family. You think Australia will be a good place for your family to live and for your children to grow up. Finally the dream comes true, the visa is granted and everyone is in the most livable city in the world Melbourne. You find yourself leaving home at dawn and not coming back after 7pm. Your children don’t understand their teachers in school and misbehave, and your wife is struggling getting to appointments in time as she is not familiar with the road and public transport.

Does this sound familiar? Meet Neil our friendly new migrant orientation assistant who can take you and your family to appointments, practice English with you and introduce you to every aspect of the Australia society in the early stage of your family’s resettlement. Neil will take the stress out of this steep learning process and make the whole experience enjoyable. We can also provide onsite and over-the-phone Chinese interpreters to facilitate your communications with doctors, utility companies and government departments.  You may even pick up some Australian cooking and baking tips from Neil!

Neil is a retired baker and electrician who has a passion for Chinese culture, from tea ceremony, to Tai Chi. His god grand daughter is half Chinese! He traveled to Taiwan 20 years ago to study Cheng Ming martial art from Master Wang Fu Lai, Chairman of International Cheng Ming of Taiwan. He used to own 4 Baker’s Delight stores for 17 years and employing 125 staff. So you may even pick up a tip or two from him about how to set up business and manage Australian employees along the way!
