Mandarin & Cantonese Interpreters & Translators for Medical, Legal & Business Communication!

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Live Medical Procedure Interpreting   arrow

Delegates from Shenzhen Kangning Mental Health Hospital Visiting St. Vincent Hospital

Our interpreters have assisted many medical delegations from China over the years. They are medical professionals in psychiatry, cosmetic surgery, emergency medicine and intensive care.  The hosting organizations include St. Vincent Hospital, Melbourne University, Alfred Hospital and private hospitals. 

Cosmetic Surgeon Delegates Were Treated to Australian Fish & Chips after Watching Live Streamed Medical Procedures

Some of our medical interpreters worked as hospital in-house interpreters in the past. We are able to develop a comprehensive medical vocabulary and medical knowledge over time. We are familiar with the medical systems in both China and Australia. We sat in consultations rooms and followed ward walks in the morning to interpret for our observing delegates. We interpreted simultaneously live medical procedures streamed into the delegates’ training room, and sat in doctors’ regular peer sharing sessions. We treasure our small role in speeding up China’s medical reform progress. 

Interpreting and Translation for Individual Chinese Patients