Neither our Aussie barrister nor our Chinese client is in a position to judge the interpreting quality of May CHEN. But I am, being a bilingual lawyer. And I can see that your interpreter has translated the legal concepts after she has understood it and therefore it makes sense to the client.
Your experience is wide ranging and your service is thorough and efficient. I will highly recommend it to anyone.
I was impressed with the ease with which Yinfeng translated. You enabled me to set a rhythm that was comfortable and natural. Your English is very fluent and you picked up on the vernaculars making an easy bridge between myself and the group…I feel we made a very effective team. Thank you.
We highly appreciate the awesome translation jobs that you have provided to our company for the last 5 years. Most of the translation is immigration related. Your meticulously crafted translation is of high quality and you never missed a deadline. We look forward to working with you in years to come.
Bidgeebong Wines has used both the translation and interpreting services of Good Story Chinese Translation House on a number of projects. May Chen and her colleagues provided excellent interpreting services with a high level of enthusiasm and with a strong sense of ownership to our company’s interest. Translation services were provided accurately and on-time with follow explanations on nuances and presentation. We highly recommend Good Story Chinese Translation to you.
Translators from Good Story Chinese Translation have assisted us on not only translating the language, but also deciphering Chinese business culture, which has been invaluable to my company. I look forward to many years with them interpreting for us
Your experience is wide ranging and your service is thorough and efficient. I will highly recommend it to anyone.
Ian Robertson, Lawyer Proprietor of Ian Robertson Legal